These are the mechanisms for communicating the quality of the Q&A on this site. To show the community your question has been answered, click the ✓ next to the correct answer, and “upvote” by clicking on the ^ arrow of any helpful answers. I recommend you enable View> Formatting Marks and View> Text Boundaries so that you can easily locate the objects. Type your line inside the frame and style it as usual. Remove the default border in Borders tab. Set the Width to match your page width to avoid having to adjust it later painfully. In the Position section, set both horizontal and vertical Centered relative to Page text area. In the Type tab, ensure it is anchored To paragraph. In this empty paragraph, Insert> Frame> Frame. Use an empty paragraph at top of your page (preceded by a page break) followed by a page break. You must then associate your line to objects which are inherently page geometry aware, i.e. #Insert your line outside the text flowĪs mentioned above, text flow discovers page boundary when text overflows. In case your page shows only the title, only spacing Above paragraph needs to be set because you can force a page break after it. Both parameters must be adjusted if you have a sub-title after the title. Modify the Spacing Above and Below parameters until you are satisfied. built-in Title intended for the title of the book/document in the cover page. The paragraph to be vertically centered has a specific paragraph style, e.g.

During it formatting, Writer does no look ahead. A new page is allocated when text overflows the current one. If you need a little assistance with your formatting, though, get in touch to see how we can help.Pages do not exist as primary objects in Writer. The best alignment option to pick is therefore the one that makes your document as easy to read as possible. The key with formatting in any document, however, is clarity and consistency. Usually, though, it just makes things harder to read. There are some rare occasions when it is useful, such as for positioning a caption relative to an image. However, if you need to present a longer passage in the middle of the page, such as a block quote, you should use the indent options instead of alignment.Īlign Right, meanwhile, is not used for much at all. You might also use it for short passages that need to be set apart from the surrounding text. In most documents, Center should be saved for headings and subheadings. This is because it’s easy to read and prevents “rivers” (i.e., vertical blank spaces) appearing in the text. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!Īlign Left is the default for most people, though, particularly in the publishing industry. It is also useful if you have multiple columns of text on the page (this is why newspapers and magazines often use justified text). Justify is popular because it creates neat blocks of text, so it looks tidy. Which Option Should You Use?įor the main body of your work, you have two main options: Align Left and Justify. You can then select an option from the dropdown “Alignment” menu and click “OK.” The Paragraph menu. To apply formatting, simply select the relevant text (or place the cursor where you want to type) and select an alignment option.Īlternatively, you can select the text you want to adjust and click the arrow in the bottom corner of the “Paragraph” section to open a new window. Justify – Used to spread text evenly across the page so the first word on each line begins at the left margin and the last word ends at the right margin.

In this post, then, we’re looking at how to adjust the text alignment in Microsoft Word.

And text alignment is a big part of this. After all, you need your text to be easy to read, so it needs to be presented on the page (or screen) clearly and consistently.